This historically evocative event, called Gioco del Ponte – the Battle of the Bridge, consists of two distinct but equally significant moments: the historical processione along the River Arno, which is a huge military parade and the Battle on the Ponte di Mezzo, during which the two opposing teams give proof of their physical strenght in a strongly competitive atmosphere.
The event is traditionally held on the last Saturday of June and includes the historical parade with over 700 partecipants.
The Mezzogiorno and Tramontana sides march separately but at the same time anticlockwise along the four streets running along the Arno river close to the Ponte di Mezzo.
There is also a third parade composed by the Judges, that is 81 more partecipants.
Victory goes to the team that conquers the Bridge by pushing the cart and all the opponents to the opposite end of the sliding rail.
The different teams of Tramontana represent the districts of Santa Maria, San Francesco, San Michele, Mattaccini, Claci, Satiri.
Mezzogiono represent the districts of Sant’Antonio, San martino, San Marco, Leoni, Dragoni, Delfini